2022 Old North
Film by Sue Murad and Jenna Pollack. 70 Minutes

‘Old North’ trailer

Inspired by the architecture, history, and community of Boston’s oldest church known for its role in the American Revolution, a group of artists and dancers inhabit a site that is both a national park and a parish. For one year they follow the site’s daily rhythms, and offer slight alterations of actions and practices traditionally embedded in the space. In the final months, they document their embodied research, inviting participation and play from their friends, peers, clergy, congregation, park staff, and tour groups. Although filmed in 2019, a foreshadowing emerges that touches on the personal and communal, the public and the private, the past and the present. Old North is an introspective portrait of a sacred and civic space, paired with music by Andrew Bird and held together like a poem.

Created By
Sue Murad and Jenna Pollack

Music By
Andrew Bird

Produced by Reciprocity Collaborative

Featuring Old North Church and Historic Site; A Boston National Historic Park
and Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Director Sue Murad
Co-Director Jenna Pollack

Lead Performing Artists
David Henry
Key'Aira Lockett
Frederick Moss
Sue Murad
Jenna Pollack
Ilya Vidrin

See also: Old North I ~ Performance & Old North II ~ Performance